Our team is passionately committed to offering unparalleled pressure washing services to our clients in Wilmette IL. Our pressure washing services encompass a broad spectrum of areas such as patios, decks, siding, driveways, and more.
We grasp the significance of preserving a pristine and well-kept property. Regardless of whether it’s your residential or commercial building, a clean exterior can make a significant difference in enhancing the overall appearance of your property. Our pressure washing services can assist you in achieving the immaculate look you have always desired.

Five Star Quality
Our team is dedicated to providing top-notch service, and we stand behind our work 100%.

Reasonable Pricing
Our pricing is competitive and affordable, ensuring that our clients get the best value for their money.

Service Done Right
We want our clients to be happy with the results of our work, and we won't stop until we achieve that goal.
Commercial and Residential Power Washing

Pressure Washing in Wilmette IL
Our pressure washing service is perfect for removing dirt, grime, and stains from various surfaces. Using a combination of high-pressure hot water and safe cleaning agents, our experts can restore the original look of your property in no time.

House Washing Service
A clean exterior can enhance the curb appeal of your house or commercial building and protect it from damage caused by dirt and grime buildup. We can wash any kind of surface like vinyl, stucco, any kind of stone and others. Our house pressure washing service can effectively remove all the unwanted dirt and stains from your property, leaving it looking fresh and new (read more).

Roof Cleaning
Regular roof cleaning can prevent costly damage caused by moss, algae, and debris buildup. Our roof cleaning service uses safe and effective techniques like soft washing to remove these harmful elements, increasing the lifespan of your roof and improving its overall appearance, and restore the healthy environment (read more).

Deck & Patio Cleaning
Decks and patios are prone to dirt and grime buildup, which can be unsightly and hazardous. Our deck Wilmette IL pressure washing service can effectively remove all the buildup from these areas, making them safe and enjoyable for your family and guests (read more).

Driveway Washing
A clean driveway not only improves the appearance of your property but also provides a safer surface for walking and driving. Our driveway washing service can remove all the dirt and stains from your driveway, making it look as good as new. With our powerful equipment and expert techniques, we can leave your driveway looking clean and new again.

Fence Power Washing
Fences are exposed to harsh elements, which can cause discoloration and damage over time. Our fence power washing service can remove all the dirt and stains from your fence, restoring its original look and protecting it from future damage. With our pressure washing equipment and skilled technicians, we can bring back the beauty of your fence without causing any damage (read more).
Other Services We Offer:
Don’t let dirt, grime, and other unsightly elements ruin the appearance and hygiene of your property in Wilmette IL. Whether you need to clean and power wash your driveway, sidewalk, house sidings, deck, patio, or roof, our pressure washing service can help. We also offer commercial services for businesses such as shops, gas stations, parking garages, and more.
With state-of-the-art equipment and highly skilled technicians, we guarantee a job done right. Choose us for a spotless and well-maintained property that will leave a lasting impression.
- Pressure Washing
- Porch and Patio Cleaning
- Roof Soft Washing
- Pavement & Concrete Washing
- Siding & House Washing
- Fence Washing and Sealing
- Driveway, Walkway and Sidewalk Cleaning
- Parking Lot & Garage Washing
- Awning Power Washing
- Graffiti Removal
Paver Pressure Washing
Paver stones add a decorative element to any property. But over time, they can become dull and dirty due to weathering and foot traffic. Our pressure washing service for paver stones can bring back their original beauty and enhance the curb appeal of your property. We use specialized techniques and equipment to remove dirt, moss, and other buildup without damaging the pavers.
Concrete Pressure Washing
Concrete surfaces such as driveways and sidewalks are subjected to heavy foot and vehicle traffic, leading to stubborn stains and discoloration. We can pressure wash effectively and remove oil stains, dirt, and grime from concrete surfaces, making them look like new again. We use eco-friendly cleaning agents and the right professional equipment to ensure your concrete surfaces are clean and safe.
Commercial Power Washing in Wilmette IL
Our services are tailored to the specific needs of your business. From parking lots to storefronts, we have the expertise and equipment to handle any commercial pressure washing job in Wilmette IL. We understand that maintaining a clean and safe environment for your employees and customers is important. That’s why we offer flexible scheduling options and use only the highest quality cleaning agents and equipment to ensure that your business always looks its best.
"They never let me down"
Years ago I decided to try Chicago Racoons, since then, they were flawless every single time. I use them every year, and never had a problem.
- Martha Brehem
"Flawless Every Single Time"
I have used them many times. They always put the extra mile and do a great job.
- Martha Brehem
"A Company I Can Trust"
I’ve used them multiple times. They are real professional who maintain high standards. I simply can trust them get the job done.
- Martha Brehem
See Us in Action

Our Effective & Safe Process
At ChicagoRacoons, our team of experts is equipped with cutting-edge technology and top-tier equipment to ensure that your property is given the highest quality treatment possible.
We make use of a combination of pressure and cleaning agents that are capable of removing the most stubborn stains and grime.

Frequently Asked Questions
How much is the cost of pressure washing?
The cost of pressure washing depends on various factors such as the size and type of surface, current condition, and level of dirt. We provide custom quotes based on your specific needs.
Will pressure washing damage the surface?
Pressure washing can cause damage if not done correctly, but our team of professionals takes every precaution to ensure no damage is done to your property.
How often should a house be power washed?
At a minimum, a house should be power washed once every two years. However, we recommend having your house power washed annually to maintain its cleanliness and extend its lifespan.
Are you insured?
Yes, we are.
Other Information
Working hours: Mon to Sun 7AM – 7PM (we can work after the official hours)
Information about Wilmette IL:
The village of Wilmette is located in Cook County, Illinois. It is named after Antoine Ouilmette, a French-Canadian fur trader who settled in the area in the late 18th century. Wilmette is home to a population of around 27,329 and covers an area of approximately 14.43 km². The area code for Wilmette is 847, and the geocode is 77879. The zip code for Wilmette is 60091.
Here is more detailed information:
14 Fun Things to Do in Wilmette, IL – Ultimate Guide
The History of Wilmette, IL: From Marshland to Modern Suburb